Thursday, May 7, 2009

Heal the Earth.

People people,
Please don't please,
Don't you kill those animals please,

Armies Armies,
Please don't please,
Stop all wars,
And give world peace,

Mothers fathers,
Look at them,
Look how cute your baby then,
Don't you throw and hurt them now,
Give them joy,
with world peace now,

We can still,stop it now,
Global warming,
Is gaining now,
Don't burn Trees,
Don't waste Lights,
The world is hot,
Let's heal it now!

Made this when i finished Irk paper,And i got bored so yeah..Ha ha,Lame?.i know =)
And these pictures are just cute and nice.We should really have an effort to heal the world.I started to do these things,When i heard Michale Jackson's songs.Especially 'Earth song' and 'Heal the world'.Love it!.

A kid drew this.I got it from somewhere.=D

Cute Huh?

Save The World! Ha ha

I do care about earth,And i'm trying to help also.Please try,Have an effort.
Thank you~


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